Sunday, October 28, 2012

GW2: rumblings of the Grim Reaper - How the MOBA mini-game (Halloween)

On Friday night at Guild Wars 2 Act 2 started the Halloween Event. This brought inter alia the MOBA-game mini rumble of the Grim Reaper comes into play. An initial overview of what awaits you in the gw2 gold game and how you can participate in this article you will get!

Joining the Game

If you want to attend rumble of the Grim Reaper, you have several possibilities. In Kryta held meta-events, are examined in the context of which the Enchanted doors. After the event, you'll be able to enter through the doors of the kingdom of the mad king, and to let you teleport to the game.

Alternatively, you can speak with the NPC spirit Helsa. Helsa you find both in Königintal and Dealers Forum in Lion's Arch. It is marked as the NPC that takes you into the minigame Crazy Inquisition, on the map with two crossed flags. Do you speak to Helsa, they teleport you directly to the game.

Rumble of the Grim Reaper - How it works
Rumble of the Grim Reaper at the same armor as in sPvP used. Before participating states so make sure that you've dressed accordingly in the mists. In addition, each player has the same abilities:

Slash: Puts your opponent a blow. (Range: 130).
Slash: Puts your opponent a blow. (Range: 130)
Shot: Shoot at your target. (Combo-end: Physical projectile, range: 900)
Jump: Jumps to the targeted enemy. (Range: 400)
Axe Flurry: Meet all enemies around you and crippled it. (Combo-end: eddy, range: 130)
Shot: Shoot at your target. (Combo-end: Physical projectile, range: 900)
Aimed Shot: Shoot at your target. (Combo-end: Physical projectile, range: 900)
Raw Candy Corn: Eat to regenerate hit points.
Once you're in the game, you expect the following map:

Now the goal is to protect the three mausoleums of your team while your team (consisting of 10 players) at the same time trying to destroy the tombs of the opponents. In the center of the map appear gourds that can be harvested. If you bring this to a mausoleum of your team, come out four skeletons that run towards opponents and attack them and enemy NPCs and mausoleums.

You die in the game can teleport you 20 seconds later for the milestone of your team and enter from there back into the action.

Did you try rumble of the Grim Reaper yet? How do you like the gw2 gold game?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Test: Guild Wars 2 - new edition of the MMORPG

On 28 August came the much anticipated Guild Wars 2 After years of development could ArenaNet and NCsoft finally publish the title for the PC. That the game designers have talent for multiplayer role-playing gw2 gold games, they already demonstrated with its predecessor and its extensions, as well as the MMORPG Aion. Unlike some competitive games Guild Wars 2 comes out even with no monthly subscription fees. We have tested the game for you of course. What can you expect, you learn in the following Review.

A world in chaos
Guild Wars 2 (GW2) plays 250 years after the events of its predecessor. Tyria, the game world has been devastated by natural disasters and by the forces of resurgent dragon. Much has changed. The people, the once dominant species in Guild Wars has to Tyria now share with other emerging nations, and the dispute for dominance is felt everywhere. But the real enemy, the mighty dragon that threatens to plunge the world deeper into chaos.

Five nations you shall be
The time in which the people have prevailed even over Tyria is long gone. In part, peaceful peoples have settled, while others have struggled to achieve their place hard. Each of the five races of the game has captured her pieces from the continent and settled there. But to save the world must unite enemies and competitors.

The playable races in Guild Wars 2 should be the first part of well-known players. Apart from the people you can still get into the skin of Charr, North, Asura or Sylvari. Each faction has its own unique history.

The Charr are a creation of, for example, cat and man, their culture is shaped by war and conflict. Once they lived underground, were able to fight their way to the surface. The North is a nation of hunters and warriors, they resemble Vikings and Norsemen. They lead a life to nature, worship animal gods, and act honorably. The exact contrast, the diminutive Asura. This goblin-like creatures use magic and ingenuity to create their own high culture. Each Asura for himself next to them do not survive the strong, but the smart ones.

The youngest people of Tyria are the sylvari. These beings are living plants that have taken humanoid form. They come into the world as an adult nature. Until they are fully grown, they rot in a dreamy state. The heart of her young culture is the "Pale Tree". In it, the ghosts all sylvari bundle of collective intelligence. This vision is reminiscent of the movie Avatar. So, the whole nation will benefit from the experience of individual.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

How Blizzard Treats Customers

Hey all, just had a horrible experience with Blzzard, and thought the community should see it, so here it goes...

Hello ,I received your issue after you had gotten the Annual Pass cancelled.Could you elaborate or clarify what the issue is so we can look into it for you?Regards,David C.Customer ServicesBlizzard

On sunday, an officer of the guild i was in logged in, looted the bank, left the guild and put everything on the AH. This officer hadnt been active in the guild for about a month. He had told us he had issues and would be away from WoW gold. When he took everything and sold it it seemed very uncharacteristic, pointing toward a hacked account. I opened a ticket in regards to the issue and the response was that since the character in question had the privilege to remove items it was the guild's fault, and the items would not be reinstated. Now, it took many players from the guild months to establish the content that was stolen. I see it as a slap in the face to the many people who played the game as a team, while one individual is laughing all the way to the bank. Multiple subscribers opened tickets as well, only to get automated responses. No one even took the time to talk to us in game.I told my fellow subscribers that I will do everything possible to see our items reinstated, or quit the game utterly. Several share my viewpoint. I opened a nasty ticket in game, had my 1 yr sub cancelled, as you know, and began deleteing characters. My account was banned, perhaps I pushed too hard, but I am fine with being banned, as I am astonished as to how unfair the process was. Its like blameing a rape victim for being raped!At any rate, I did enjoy WoW, it was a fun product, but this recent experience has soured me to Blizzard. I had always thought you to be a fair company, but I'm walking away feeling like a victim. If there is any way to resolve the G Bank issue I advice you to persue it, otherwise there is a high probability that your company will bleed several subscribers in response to the way Blizzard handled this situation

I see, unfortunatly my department can do no further assistance with in game items as you're requesting. I see you have submitted a ticket to our in game support. Lets see what there response is and then we can try to see what our next step can be.Besides the in wow gold game issues was there anything that I could do for you in my department?Judah HCustomer Services

Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Game Master Department.After a thorough investigation of the guild bank loss you reported, it appears the member who made the withdrawals did so after legitimately receiving bank withdrawal access by the guild leader.Additionally, it appears that the withdrawals made by the member in question were within the parameters set by the Guild Leader via the guild rank they provided to the member.Please be aware that the Guild Leader assumes full responsibility for maintaining the security of the Guild Bank by limiting permissions and making judicious promotions, especially when they may allow for guild bank withdrawals.Currently, there are several in-game options that the Guild Leader can utilize to maintain a secured guild bank, located in the Guild Management window:- Authenticator required for withdrawal- Limit on gold withdrawal per day- Limit on number of items per day- Access to only specific guild tabsAs our investigation did not uncover evidence supporting the use of fraud or bug exploitation to make the withdrawal(s), we will be unable to provide restorations to the guild bank or recover the reported goods from the member who withdrew them. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.We encourage you to review our Guild Bank withdrawal tips

Regards,Game Master SylrrinBlizzard Entertainment

Wow, that is unfortunate. The character who stole from the bank recieved the access because he logged in after a hitus and the guild leader was happy to see a friend, so he promoted him. The guy then stole from everyone! This is not the guild leaders fault! It is the fault of Redrumurder. So you are telling me it is perfectly OK for someone to steal items in game? It is upsetting that no one will help with this issue.As a result of this incident my account has been banned, I presume for being nasty in my ticket, or for cancelling my 1 year contract. So, instead of helping a group of people, you chose to ignore our plight and send a message that stealing is OK. In my opinion what Redrumurder did constitutes harrasment, which does violate the ToS!As my account is banned you have lost ...1 a long term subscriber, and any future recurring payments2 mist of pandarea expansion sales3 the 1 year contract 4 any possible sales from Diablo 3 related products5 any sales from any future Blizzard products/itemsnow that in and of itself may not seem like a lot, but I can still communicate with my guild over ventrillo, and you will most likely lose several more subscribers, as they see how you treat people. now instead of losing hundreds, you willl be losing thousands in the long run!I will also post my plight in forums and any media available interested in publishing a customer's WoW experience. This will probably not cause you to lose any current subscribers, but will most certainly make a few new ones change thier minds and try something else.So in closing, the actions of Redrumurder, and your own inability or desire to correct the problem has directly and immediatly lost your company revenue, and will continue to do so! YOU LOST MONEY BECAUSE YOU DID NOT HELP A GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN LOYAL CUSTOMERS AND WHO HAVE BEEN WRONGED! YOU LOST MONEY!

So yes a mistake was made by a Guild Leader and the bank was looted, but look at how blizzard handles the situation. We are paying subscribers, and this is how they treat us. How hard would it be for them to actually help? Just like Netflix needed a reality check from its subscribers, so does Blizzard! In response to the way Blizzard has handled the situation I am going to continue to post in forums and share my experience. Ultimately WoW is a game and should be enjoyable, and most times it is, but when a real problem occurs, no one seems to care...its not my fault...its not my job.

In my opinion Blizzard needs to be reminded that we choose to subscribe! I propose a month, perhaps june or july, when subscribers cancel accounts in mass, to show Blizzard how to treat a customer! Look for it on Facebook!

If anyone has a horror story, please share it, thanks!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

World of Warcraft Death hack Azeroth recreated in Minecraft

Yesterday hackers have destroyed in World Of Warcraft in one fell swoop all the cities and killed thousands of characters<wow gold>: "This afternoon, Paris time, something very strange happened on various realms. [...] To cut a long story short, everyone in Stormwind and Orgrimmar what killed NPCs included. It's also been happening on Tarren Mill, Ragnaros, Draenor, Twisting Nether, and no doubt other servers. "

And that has nothing to do with it here though, but Reddit user RamsesA Azeroth has faithfully reproduced in Minecraft:

Q. How large is the world?
A. The current version of the map spans approximately 275 square kilometers and contains over 68 billion blocks. The highest part of the world, the peak of Mt Hyjal, stands more than a mile above sea level. Since the map Exceeds the Minecraft heightLimit, the world had to be divided into seven altitude layers, each connected via a server-side plugin that teleports wow gold players as they approach the height limit. To be played locally, the map requires 24 gigabytes of hard-drive space.