Friday, November 16, 2012

GW2: Item spiral or not? - Ramon Domke on Ascended Armor

With the upcoming big November update will include ArenaNet The first Ascended items in Guild Wars 2, integrate the care for heated discussions. After Studio Director Chris Whiteside yesterday already declared that they wanted to generate any item spiral, and the German Community Manager Ramon Domke was now once again a player on some issues.

No item spiral in sight?
As part of its response Domke says that he can not say that 100% will come to the Ascended items never something even higher. The threat of a spiral of Item Community Manager does not in and cites as an example of Guild Wars 1:

Even if e.g. in Guild Wars 1 never Substantial changes were made, so are still with green objects (in later chapters) weapon combinations become possible, which would be Prophecies times been in the form can not be reached (15-power rod as an example) - and yet it is are not really. around a spiral Item
He also stressed that they would make the adjustments so that they would come to both new and existing content to bear. Existing dungeons through the new items would not be superfluous. "And this applies not only to the unique nature of the exotic armor design that you only get in each dungeon," said Domke.

There was talk in this case is not of item progression, but of "features that enable a progression, without the need to introduce a new animal resistant objects must". Such a possibility for progression put the new state "torment" is the new dungeon of fog fractals:

The dungeon has no end! However, it is becoming increasingly difficult. Through the agony we introduce you in this dungeon a hurdle that you either skillful play or the right equipment - and then later with both - must overcome in order to move forward. The whole dungeon is designed for you to have something where you can see as a rehearsed group "how far you are Beat" - without that be the goal "to complete the dungeon" is.
Ascended armor as a stopgap
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In yesterday's post said Whiteside, they wanted to offer a meaningful character development of exotic weapons to legendary without the gaping between a massive gap. Regarding the statement said Domke, this gap had the time or form of appropriation.
The exotic equipment for players should be a short-term goal, however, the legendary weapons were intended as a long term goal. New Ascended objects are now thought intended as a medium-term target for the way because not initially a complete set is available.

About raising the values ​​one could have different opinions, which will also already discussed diligently. This is clear also in the team not gone unnoticed, he hoped, however, "that ye may know that the" fog of fractals "and the Ascended objects arise as a matching mechanism sense."

Gecraftete armor and trailers
On the question of a player, whether the new item level all plugged in gecraftete Armor efforts were in vain, Domke also stated that it is also the trades, especially in this case, look at the jewelers. This is not necessarily directly in the forthcoming update of the case, "but also the crafting is important core element of the gw2 gold game and should not vorbleiben outside."

Also Trischmiede, ruby, sapphire and emerald pendants are loud Domke still have their niche and maybe even afford better services than initially items with infusion slot. Especially in the "agony" but this area would have increasingly less important. In MMOs - whether with or without item spiral - but it will always happen that items are in high demand for some time, with an update at some point but then lose its value.

All responses from the original Domke you can read on page 2 of this article!

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