Thursday, April 11, 2013

GW2's Super Adventure Box is not an April Fools' Joke

ArenaNet today released the Super Adventure Box for Guild Wars 2. The Super Adventure Box make GW2's classic fantasy universe change to a retro-themed, blocky virtual world. At first glance of the screenshots, I thought "no way, this must be an April Fool's joke". Nevertheless to my surprise,Guild Wars 2 item Super Adventure Box is true. This is a big gift for those Zelda, Minecraft, & Pitfall fans.

The crafty asura Moto has created the Super Adventure Box, Tyria's first and only virtual reality simulator. For the first time, Moto is allowing adventurers to enter his creation-just speak to him in Rata Sum!

Featuring cutting edge graphics with over 256 colors, the Super Adventure Box is a visual feast for the Guild Wars 2 gold gaming connoisseur. Your character has never explored a world like this!

3 Amazing LEVELS
Moto has developed 3 levels full of pogo mushrooms, platform puzzles, bunny tornadoes, & more! Do not fret about taking a tumble-we've turned off the falling harm & turned up the fun!

Substantial FUN, Major REWARDS
You'll earn "baubles" by slaying varmints & exploring the virtual world of the Super Adventure Box. Exchange baubles for weapons and skills from shopkeepers inside the Box, or redeem your baubles for particular weapon skins from Moto himself!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Flame and Frost Part 3 patch arrived yesterday

Patch day is generally an thrilling thing in MMO titles, and Guild Wars 2 is no exception. This afternoon will be seeing the release of the 3rd chapter in the ongoing storyline of Flame & Frost, The Razing.

The dredge and Flame Legion are growing more powerful, establishing spy settlements in Norn and Charr territory, & it will be up to the Guild Wars 2 gold players to help root them out. Meanwhile, a young Norn named Braham, along with a Charr without a war band named Rox, will be tasked with separate missions that bring players into the heart of the conflict. The preceding story events will still be present as well, so players needing to get caught up will not are compelled to worry about that.

Obviously, while the addition of story aspects is consistently a plus, the real meat of this patch has to do with the adjustments to World vs World. While last month brought a few much needed adjustments to the PvE side of points, this month will see the same treatment being brought to the war mode of the game. Of certain importance is the removal of culling, which made enemies come up as invisible to players until their models were loaded effectively, causing unintended surprises (together with helping Thieves to be damn near unkillable with stealth). There will also be a brand new progression method, permitting players to unlock WvW specific titles to help them stand out and skill-sets that might help them survive in a siege.

Expect the patch to go live sometime after 4 pm PST, & expect WvW servers to be filled to the brim with gw2 gold players checking out the new changes. While you are waiting, you could read up on the specifics at the preview page.

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Reviews of updated Event Page with Flame and Frost The Razing

  I didn't even read the rest of the information. I'd love that heavy armour on my warrior. Hopefully this is a sign of some new armour skins coming with the new content. I'd like the hairstyle more if it weren't for the ponytail. Maybe this is a sign of new character customisation options (beyond hair colours) to be added to the Guild Wars 2 gold game? I'm sure they will be hairstyle kit exclusives though.

  Those weapons look new as well.

  The only meaningful thing I see in that list is Supply Capacity (that will be a huge one for small ops groups that try to ninja towers, or servers with people too dumb to carry supply) and Siege Might. Depending the the increase of siege damage, you could see walls and gates melt a lot faster. This would be valuable for both big guilds and zergs hoping to break a gate or wall before they get overwhelmed as well as small ops groups like the ones running a cata siege under Briar on the borderlands or the ninja group at the northern gate of Bay.

  I'm not sure what mercenaries are, but if it has anything to do with supply camps I could see a niche use for that one. It's already possible to solo a supply camp, but doing this faster would always be welcome. We might see more aggressive small ops teams taking supply camps after this one goes through.

  Most of these thigns just help, but only Supply Capacity really lets you do things you couldn't do before.

  I really hope Braham's hair and shield become available somehow. They look great.

  Can't say I'm too excited for anything else honestly except whatever dungeon they decided to revamp for this patch (if any) and hopefully some class buffs.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Anyone else slightly disappointed with the story in GW2?

Before I start, I would like to share that I have played GW2 since release, and I honestly like the game itself.

My issue is that, to me, the story seems so weak and bland. It doesn't engage me, or make me care about the characters and the fate of the world it's set in. Even compared to GW1, where PvE and the story were a supposed 'afterthought', I find GW2 lacking. I found the story in GW1 really enjoyable to play by means of & in areas it honestly did appear like an epic struggle.

In GW2 I find alot of what takes place underwhelming, especially in Orr, where the story components seems quite rushed by way of.

My feeling is that alot of this is down to the level requirement for the quests, which successfully kills the flow of the story & makes each quest feel like an individual mission, rather than part of a bigger story. I also find myself missing the group facets of story progression that GW1 had, as having to do the entire story on my own gets a bit dull.

I 100% comprehend that ANet has made the game they want it, (& they have got alot of stuff right), & I'm not asking for any changes. I just wanted to give my opinion, & ask if any one else agrees/feels the same.

It is type of difficult to criticize GW2 gold on the private story front in fantastic conscience, for the reason that I can see that they attempted genuinely tough. They were willing to devote plenty of resources, try daring new concepts, trash out old iterations in favor of new ones, etc., nevertheless I nonetheless feel it wasn't adequate. Maybe they stopped trying too soon, & one or two more alterations could elevate the story to those epic proportions they aimed for. Although as of now, it all feels kind of hit and miss.

I think part of the reason I'm not satisfied with the story is because whenever you're doing it, you are removed from the world & put into a smaller, heavily limited copy of it. This makes pretty much all the story variables take place in a little, narrow corridor, where you are alone, nothing takes place without your input, & which blatantly says "this is not part of the actual Guild Wars 2 gold game, this really is a virtual space created for you".

That's only one reason of lots of, but perhaps it is the biggest one.

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

It's the end of culling as we know it in Guild Wars 2 WvW

Have you recognized anything missing when participating in Guild Wars 2's world-vs.-world battles -- a little something like, say, enemies? That would be culling. In order to limit bandwidth & lessen client-side program specifications, ArenaNet instituted this process which limited how plenty of characters would render on Guild Wars 2 gold players' screens. Having said that, a side-effect for individuals who entered WvW in sizeable groups was that lots of enemies couldn't be seen even at close range. To end this invisible enemy phenomenon, culling is being culled from WvW.

In place of that system, ArenaNet is providing new alternatives to customize how characters will be rendered on the battlefield. Guild Wars 2 item players can pick especially how many characters will be rendered in each of the following ways: as high resolution models, as low resolution models, and as just nameplates. These alterations will be implemented in the March 26th patch.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

So What Does Your Engineer Look Like?

Would you mind telling me which armor set this is? It looks like cultural tier 1, am I correct? Cause it looks absolutely breathtaking! If so, it would persuade me ito rerolling my female sylvari into a male one, just to be able to wear this... (And I think I see some tier 2 gloves to make it pop even more right?) Also, which colours did you use? Abyss, Celestial and White Guild Wars 2 Gold?

As for me, the color combination is impressive.

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Expansions On Hold, Says ArenaNet

In the event you were looking forward to new Guild Wars II expansions, you might are compelled to wait a while. Based on a recent interview, ArenaNet has no present plans for developing expansion packs for its MMO.

The original Guild Wars featured 3 standalone expansions: Guild Wars Factions, Guild Wars Nightfall, & Guild Wars Eye of the North. According to Guild Wars  2 gold game director Colin Johanson though, there are at the moment none for Guild Wars II which are presently in development.

Nonetheless, "Expansions are unquestionably something that we'll potentially look at in the future," Johanson stated. "We don't have a timetable on it. We are open to it, yet I think our significant focus as a studio is making the living world notion as powerful as we potentially can for the players that we've got."

He also commented that ArenaNet is right now focusing on growing Guild Wars II, so a 3rd entry is even less likely at this point in time. "We have to have the ability to have teams that are practically improving new, innovative features that alter the way that you play our Guild Wars 2 item game and grow that experience so it completely feels like you don't leave Guild Wars two; Guild Wars 2 turns out to be Guild Wars two.5 or Guild Wars 3 and it continues to grow," Johanson added.

Guild Wars II has sold over 3 million copies, though without a monthly subscription fee, it's unclear how ArenaNet plans to fund these new features. The original Guild Wars was envisioned as a series of optional expansion packs that players could pay for, however it looks like that is not going to be the plan this time around.

Microtransactions or premium memberships could be one method to go, nevertheless seeing as how the studio has attempted to keep clear of these in the past, those possibilities seem just as unlikely. In either case, Guild Wars 2 was a enormous success in a crowded MMO marketplace, so we could be pretty confident that ArenaNet has several sort of method figured out.

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