Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Guild Wars 2 new PVP map of Spirit Watch
If the story of Guild Wars 2 happened in 250 years later that the world of Tyria will completely change. The latest updated map Spirit Watch will show you the details.
ArenaNet will add new PvP map into the Guild Wars 2, and with the name of Spirit Watch.
This thematic Norn map, is surrounded by steep cliffs.
This map will occurred in the update of Feb 26th, and it is support mode of both conquer and capture the flag, fight with Guild Wars 2 gold players to win the ascension of the Orb.
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Saturday, February 23, 2013
Guild Wars 2′s guild quests explained - puzzles, bounties and chicken races inward bound
ArenaNet have published a detailed post explaining guild quests, the new mission type on account of arrive in Guild Wars 2 with the upcoming Flame and Frost update. It looks like an enjoyable addition to the Guild Wars 2 gold game, providing a range of team building activities for guild members to play by means of. So naturally, I'm going to obsess over the bit of the included video where player-chickens race around a track. I'm a immense child.
The purpose of the quests is to focus guilds towards PvE play. To that end, 5 team-based mission types will be available, as explained by ArenaNet's Leah Rivera:
"Guild Bounty - Your guild is tasked with tracking down & capturing many targets for the Orders. These individuals are wanted for a number of factors and have all types of tricks up their sleeves to resist arrest!"
"Guild Trek - Think you understand Tyria? Well the Tyrian Explorer's Society has a challenge for you! Find the list of locations before time runs out."
"Guild Challenge - These issues to resolve leverage our existing event process however are specifically geared to demand multi-group, coordinated play to flourish. So gather your guild & see if you're up to the challenge!"
"Guild Rush - Test your abilities with a mad dash over harrowing terrain, traps, and other hidden dangers. Just keep in mind, there's safety in numbers!" (ALSO CHICKENS!)
"Guild Puzzle - It's a puzzle along with a jumping challenge all in 1! This mission type demands multi-group coordination along with individual jumping skills to get to the treasure at the end."
Completing missions will earn Merits for your guild, which may be used to acquire new guild upgrades. All missions will take place in the open world, meaning smaller guilds will be in a position to rally for other GW2 gold players to help them.
Guild Wars 2′s Flame & Frost: The Gathering Storm update is due out February 26.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Guild Wars 2 in 2013: Arenanet reveal WvW precise abilities, living stories
One challenge every high-end player faces as they reach Guild Wars 2's level cap is "what now." What do I do to occupy my time now I've stopped levelling. There's a lot to do: PvP, more questing, crafting, and aiming for 100% completion. However Johanson acknowledges that it's poorly signposted - that players struggle to comprehend what they could, or must, be doing. That is changing.
"One of the items we tried to do in Guild Wars two is make it a game where you could play the game the way you want to play it," explains Colin. "We've left it especially open ended. For the explorer varieties that is something that is especially up their alley. For Guild Wars 2 gold players who need more guidance or direction - who need to be shown: these are your solutions, now pick one - I don't think the system we have does a great employment of showing them what to do within our game. That is definitely 1 of the things we plan to address this year."
The endgame focus highlights the kind of nuts and bolts background improvements MMOs need to stay competitive. There is tech work going on, too. Following oversubscribed preceding events, in which player numbers battered the Guild Wars two servers, the team are working on technology that need to improve crowded scenes. Culling tech developed for Guild Wars 2's World vs World - that allows the game to intelligently remove players from your view to maintain frame and response rates - will be applied to the open world, prioritising creatures that are attacking you over other players. "Right now, we're at the point where you could see giant battles with 50 to 100 folks or so. We'd like to get to the point where you can see hundreds of people on display."
And with the culling tech comes a reason to fight in World vs World, Guild Wars 2's ambitious open world competition. Right now, players who need to fight in PvP landscapes do it for small bonuses to wellness and crafting. There's no individual reason to fight. That's a difficulty that Arenanet intend to address.
"There demands to be stronger incentives for people to play world versus world," says Colin. There are two systems in the works. The very first is a individual progression strategy that will unlock new abilities for GW2 gold players the more they play World versus World. Those skill-sets, says Colin, "make your character more beneficial, even so they don't make your character fundamentally more powerful. They won't improve your strength or damage output. They just make you more functional."
The 2nd reason: Arenanet need to boost the server rewards for fighting beyond a weekly win scenario. It will take the form of a new system "that supplies factors for your world to be fighting at any given time, rather than across the week," explains Colin. "You may be on day 6, & you are losing the week, but we need to give a reason for you to hold the region, even for an hour."
Guild Wars 2 success is heartwarming. It is an MMO without a subscription fee; and without an associated zero cost-to-play gouging. Its success indicates it can get better; & if it gets better, it may get more effective. The Guild Wars 2 team are not chasing growth for growth's sake; their first priority is to keep their existing players happy.
"Our focus is: how do we make it so the core group of players have the greatest feasible experience they can. If we continue to strengthen on that, that core group will be more excited, they'll play more mainly, & perhaps much of those that took a break will come back."
That sounds like an invitation.
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Saturday, February 16, 2013
"Guild Wars 2" is replaced by the second major update
ArenaNet have unveiled the next step in their 4-point plan update, entitled "Flame & Frost" for "Guild Wars 2".
The second update of "The Gathering Storm" will add new PvP maps, new missions, a new challenge system with which one can set their own goals, as well as a further part of the tangible history of the Guild Wars 2 gold game. This time, the citizens of Tyria withstand a storm.
The description of the update says: "The situation for the inhabitants of the lowlands of Diessa and the Ascalon Foothills has deteriorated even further. Volunteers were able to remedy the situation in the short term, but more refugees from penetrating the Shiverpeaks mountains in the area. There is a storm has concocted, but the good forces are starting to come together. They send their heroes to defend the country and people. Someone has to stop the storm. "
The new player-versus-player map called "Spirit Watch" There is also a new PvP mode that pits two roughly equal teams against each other. The evaluation will be made after the dispute for each gw2 gold player.
The most interesting feature of the new update are the missions. These "were developed to coordinate the group match." Terminating a mission to get "Guild-merits" that enable "great upgrades and rewards." About the new challenge system you can now also automatically set daily goals. This allows you to focus on content, according to ArenaNet, a really interested.
"Frost & Flame: The Gathering Storm," for "Guild Wars 2" is on 26 February will be published.
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Thursday, February 14, 2013
Guild Wars 2 Dungeons have already been tweaked
So it appears the dungeons have already been tweaked & adjusted a bit which is a excellent thing. I ran twilight arbor last night and acknowledged that trash mobs appear to have had their harm output reduced quite a few along with their hit points seemed a bit fewer than previosly.
Healing overall appears a bit more valuable. Also the ability to Rez aero was not there as you can not release to a waypoint while your group is still engaged in battle. Meaning in the event you die you are out untill an individual either an individual aides you to bring you back or the group wipes or wins. Meaning if the group wipes you all come back together.
Great alterations IMO . Now only if they can find a technique to get individuals in the game to socialize more.
That will never take place. The game is built around solo play.
I don't forget in the dev diary them saying something like " ppl will group together naturally, & socialazing will be fluid" bla bla bla or something to that affect.
Nevertheless frankly it is just you the Guild Wars 2 gold player in the same farm with other other faceless players grinding out the same prgress bar. no more social than managing a four way stop at an intersection in traffic. No social interacting, just going by means of the motions with ppl next to you.
The way mmo's were: Community, Exploration, Character Development, Conquest.
The way mmo's are now : Cut-Scenes,Cut-Scenes, Linear Story, Cut-Scenes...
This really is the complete reason I have stopped playing the game. I have joined a number of guilds, no 1 talks; attempted to group/chat with arbitrary players, no success. I have never had an situation discovering a social community in other MMOs, nevertheless for whatever reason, I have actually been completely unable to find a place in GW2. So once all of my RL friends quit, I stopped logging in as well.
I never mentioned forced grouping. However no insentives to work together, content that is less complicated by yourself, no reward for grouping, too much focus on linear solo story, no dependent roles, i could go on & on.. all this garbage makes a somewhat anti social gw2 gold game.
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Friday, February 1, 2013
Guild Wars 2: Changing security password mandatory from February 7!
ArenaNet has just announced via the blog of Guild Wars 2, some players will have to change the password from February 7. This is done to strengthen the security of accounts created before the implementation of the blacklist.
In fact, some players have the same password from the launch of Guild Wars 2, and are encouraged past three months change it each time they connect. But as of February 7, they will be asked to change their identifiers, otherwise the server access will be impossible. The reason for this request is other than the fact that these people have created their access code before the establishment of a blacklist of passwords by the publisher of the Guild Wars 2 gold game These are therefore more vulnerable that those who have already made such a change.
ArenaNet grouped in this list all strings have been used in the past by hackers to try to enter the game accounts editor seems to want to protect its customers certain types of dictionary attack or force gross.
Blog recalls some basic safety rules too often neglected, as is a regular change is necessary, and it is especially important to use a unique code for each of your access. Finally, the editor states that if you are short of ideas, there are simple ways to get an identifier difficult to break, but easy to remember.
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