Saturday, February 16, 2013

"Guild Wars 2" is replaced by the second major update

ArenaNet have unveiled the next step in their 4-point plan update, entitled "Flame & Frost" for "Guild Wars 2".

The second update of "The Gathering Storm" will add new PvP maps, new missions, a new challenge system with which one can set their own goals, as well as a further part of the tangible history of the Guild Wars 2 gold game. This time, the citizens of Tyria withstand a storm.

The description of the update says: "The situation for the inhabitants of the lowlands of Diessa and the Ascalon Foothills has deteriorated even further. Volunteers were able to remedy the situation in the short term, but more refugees from penetrating the Shiverpeaks mountains in the area. There is a storm has concocted, but the good forces are starting to come together. They send their heroes to defend the country and people. Someone has to stop the storm. "

The new player-versus-player map called "Spirit Watch" There is also a new PvP mode that pits two roughly equal teams against each other. The evaluation will be made after the dispute for each gw2 gold player.

The most interesting feature of the new update are the missions. These "were developed to coordinate the group match." Terminating a mission to get "Guild-merits" that enable "great upgrades and rewards." About the new challenge system you can now also automatically set daily goals. This allows you to focus on content, according to ArenaNet, a really interested.

"Frost & Flame: The Gathering Storm," for "Guild Wars 2" is on 26 February will be published.

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